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Egypt: US's client regimes come together

Written By Unknown on Monday, 15 July 2013 | 23:00

Citizens International strongly condemns the coup by the Egyptian Armed Forces (EAF) to overthrow President Morsi who was elected by millions of Egyptian in a free and fair election held last year. A bunch of army officers loyal to Mubarak suspended the Constitution approved by 14 million Egyptians, amounting to over 77% of those who voted. Only around 22% voted against it.

The coup was instigated by an unholy alliance of liberals, secular fundamentalists, Coptic Christian leaders, and members of Mubarak’s “deep state” - elements within the intelligence services, military, security agencies, Big Business, judiciary, and mafia.

Not surprising, the dictatorial regime of Assad and the agents of US imperialism Saudi Arabia and the UAE share a common fear of political Islam and the Islamic Awakening.

After the 1978 Camp David Accords, the EAF has ceased to be a patriotic institution and served the geo-political interests of the United States and Israel for which it receives annually US$ 1.3 billion from the US government. Its senior officers have been trained in the US and keep regular contact with the US military to co-ordinate responses to development in West Asia which may threaten US-Israeli interests. It has been colluding with Israel and Fatah to suppress Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation and atrocities.

Syria’s secular dictator Bashar al-Assad who bombs and kills his own people welcomed the coup saying the overthrow by the military meant the end of political Islam. The American protectorates Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, patrons and financiers of the takfiris who are murdering men, women and children in Syria,  congratulated the unelected military-appointed president and the EAF. It is public knowledge that these two US protectorates have been financing the anti-Morsi coalition. Not surprising, the dictatorial regime of Assad and the agents of US imperialism Saudi Arabia and the UAE share a common fear of political Islam and the Islamic Awakening.

The muted response from the US and Europe without condemnation of the coup has sent a signal of approval to the generals who launched the coup and to the unholy alliance that instigated it. Again, the West’s hypocrisy and double standard in its democracy promotion has been exposed. While arming the Syrian opposition under the pretext of overthrowing Assad’s dictatorship and establishing democracy, it has given the green light to the EAF’s suspension of the Egyptian Constitution approved by the people in a referendum and the overthrow of a democratically elected president.

Ahmed al-Tayeb, grand imam of al-Azhar, who condemned the demonstrations that overthrew Mubarak as being unIslamic, appeared with the chief of EAF and gave his blessings and support for the coup. One wonders where the grand imam found support in the Syariah for a military coup instigated by anti-Islamic forces. It is ulamas like him, prostrating at the feet of Power and legitimising dictatorships, who are responsible for killing the spirit of jihad which enabled the modern crusaders to conquer, occupy and exploit Muslim lands. Fortunately there are other ulamas who refused to submit to Power and with their lives defended the honour and dignity of Islam and Muslims.

The head of EAF Abdul Fatah Khalil al-Sisi, in the speech announcing the coup, promised “securing and guaranteeing freedom of expression, freedom of media”. The first ‘democratic’ act the EAF took was to shut down four TV channels including Al Jazeera’s Mubasher Misr. The security forces raided the offices of Al Jazeera and detained five of its staff and prevented it broadcasting from a pro-Morsi rally.  The National Salvation Front of the liberal El Baradei, the Nasserite Hamdeen Sabahi and the Mubarak-regime remnant Amr Moussa supported the suppression of the media, largely Islamic TV channels.

The coup proves the truth of Mao Tse Tung’s dictum: "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." In Egypt, the gun in the hands of the “deep state” has triumphed over the people’s choice and President Morsi is now a prisoner of the EAF. The 2011 ‘revolution’ was no revolution. It was the disposal of Mubarak whose usefulness to the US had come to an end. The institutions that protected and defended the Mubarak regime remained intact after his overthrow and they have done everything possible to obstruct and derail the democratic process in Egypt.

The Parliament elected by the people was declared illegal by the Constitutional Court. Members of the security forces involved in torture and other serious crimes as well as corrupt politicians and businessmen who bankrupted the nation have been freed by the courts. The strategy of the “deep state” was to create instability that would produce economic hardship and lawlessness leading to public dissatisfaction and disaffection justifying EAF intervention. With the military coup the strategy has succeeded.

El Baradei, Hamdeen Sabahi and Amr Mousa are in bed with the generals and members of the “deep state” hoping that they can rewrite the constitution to marginalise Islam in Egyptian society, eliminate Islamic political parties, and enjoy the fruits of power. Whether they would succeed in their nefarious scheme would depend on the political consciousness of the Egyptian people, their commitment to Islam and democracy, and the Islamic leadership there.

We call on the Egyptian people to rise up and oppose the military-appointed government and demand the restoration of democratic rights and the Constitution approved by 14 million Egyptian voters.

S.M. Mohamed Idris is chairman of Penang-based Citizens International.
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