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....the so-called study mentioned by Zahid may not even exist

Written By Unknown on Monday, 15 July 2013 | 04:24

Jul 15: The claim by Home minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi that statistics showed former detainees of the now-abolished Emergecy Ordinance (EO) committed 90 percent of organised crimes in Selangor has left DAP's Tony Pua dumbfounded.

The Petaling Jaya Utara MP rapped Zahid's excuse not to reveal the data immediately.

Zahid said he could only reveal it in September to justify the need to revive EO.

“If the study is already concluded, and he already have in his possession the study, why does he need to wait 2 months before the report is presented to the Parliament? 

"Why not present it next week while the Parliament is still in session?” Pua asked, adding that Zahid only needed to announce the findings in a press conference.

Pua said if the study truly existed, the police would have successfully identified the criminals and could charge them in court.

“But if they have been arrested and investigated – and there have been very few reports of such, then how come crime is still rampant and the police still needs the EO?” he questioned.

On the flip side, Pua said if Zahid’s claim was true, it merely proved the police's incompetence and not the need for EO to combat crime.

“If the police is unable to charge all of them, surely the police is able to garner evidence and charge half or even a quarter of them?” 

Pua explained that after the abolishment of EO in late 2011, the police and Home ministry had claimed reduction in crime by 7.6 percent in 2012.

Hence, based on the above official crime statistics presented by the police themselves, how can Zahid now claim that the cause of rising crime is almost entirely due to the repeal of the EO?” he questioned, saying the so-called study mentioned by Zahid may not even exist.
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