21st Century Wire says…
Few Americans will even question the following: why is it that almost all of these so-called “terrorist” bomb plots seem to feature a CIA, FBI, MI6, or Saudi Intelligence operative as the central protagonist?
Is it possible that the security state is responsible for manufacturing terror, in order to justify the largest share of domestic and overseas expenditures by countries like the US and Great Britain? How many careers depend on this synthetic narrative to continue indefinitely?
We can see the feedback loop here very clearly. And so do millions of people, and that number is growing by the day.
This decade long campaign of developing an opposition and keeping the fear level ever higher, will eventually come to an end – we hope.
Now for the truth about the great “Underwear Bomber”.
The Guardian report below details what we are dealing with here…
Bomber involved in plot to attack US-bound jet was working as an informer with Saudi intelligence and the CIA, it has emerged
.Paul Harris and Ed Pilkington
A would-be “underwear bomber” involved in a plot to attack a US-based jet was in fact working as an undercover informer with Saudi intelligence and the CIA, it has emerged.The revelation is the latest twist in an increasingly bizarre story about the disruption of an apparent attempt by al-Qaida to strike at a high-profile American target using a sophisticated device hidden in the clothing of an attacker.
The plot, which the White House said on Monday had involved the seizing of an underwear bomb by authorities in the Middle East sometime in the last 10 days, had caused alarm throughout the US.

But the news that the individual at the heart of the bomb plot was in fact an informer for US intelligence is likely to raise just as many questions as it answers.
Citing US and Yemeni officials, Associated Press reported that the unnamed informant was working under cover for the Saudis and the CIA when he was given the bomb, which was of a new non-metallic type aimed at getting past airport security.
The informant then turned the device over to his handlers and has left Yemen, the officials told the news agency. The LA Times, which first broke the news that the plot had been a “sting operation”, said that the bomb plan had also provided the intelligence leads that allowed the strike on Quso.
Earlier John Brennan, Barack Obama’s top counter-terrorism adviser and a former CIA official, told ABC’s Good Morning America that authorities are “confident that neither the device nor the intended user of this device pose a threat to us”.
US officials have said the plot was detected in its early stages and that no American airliner was ever at risk.
The FBI is conducting forensic tests on the bomb as a first step towards discovering whether it would have cleared existing airport scanning systems. Dianne Feinstein, the Democratic senator for California who heads the Senate intelligence committee, gave an early hint when she said that she had been briefed about the device which she called “undetectable”…
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