If you still think it really happened the way it was reported, then you should probably revisit the impressive camaign of lies and misinformation being put forth by US autorities and give it your attention.

Boston was a crime alright – but not how, and by who, we are being told by US authorities. The public facing depiction of this event is a total and complete fraud.
Here’s six minutes that will change yours, and your friends’ mind about the story…
Brasscheck TV
Here’s six minutes that highlight the extraordinary irregularities surrounding this case. These are the facts of the case:
1. It’s now admitted (June 2013) that there was a police bomb training at the EXACT time and location where the “bombs” when off
2. The captured brother was videotaped carrying a WHITE backpack, not a black one
3. An eye witness reported that the elder brother (Tamerlan Tsarnaev) was hit by a police car and then shot – he was not run over by his fleeing brother
4. The captured brother (Dzhokhar Tsarnaev) was photographed functional and non-bloody when he surrendered. He went to the hospital on a gurney, covered in blood with a wound to his throat so serious he was put in intensive care.
5. One of the friends of the accused – who was unarmed and on crutches – was shot and killed by an FBI agent SEVEN times during an interview and this murder is still unexplained.
The original report said he attacked the agent with a samurai sword. Another lie.
Watch this video…
If you still think Boston was real, watch this: The Story of the Boston “Hero”
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